A vague attempt at catching up...
I have no idea what to say about the general state of the world. Read this article about Afghanistan which was interesting, but probably won't have a happy ending. :(
Afghanistan: The 'undefeated' Panjshir Valley - an hour from Kabul ~~~
I was very sad to hear of Sean Lock's passing, and then came across this. <3
Comedian Sean Lock last video:
Click to view
In pandemic news, then it's sort of faded into the background? This video is hilarious & on point:
People in 1920 when the pandemic was over:
Click to view
Oh and have a petition, why not (I might have shared it before):
Keep our NHS out of US Trade deals ~~~
And finally and genuinely interesting article that I can't really describe:
Do Hippos Count as Dragons: An Examination of Identity and Taxonomy ~~~
In RL news, then today we were at the in-laws for 'regular' Sunday dinner for the first time since March 2020. Which was somehow both very normal and very weird.
ETA: Stay safe America... :(
Hurricane Ida makes landfall
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