Hi there 2020

Jan 01, 2020 11:35


Been meaning to do a round-up thing. Don't really like them, but hey, new decade...


Christmas was lovely and I got some lovely presents. The main ones were an Aziraphale mug (as in, the wings one!):

The other one I'm still not quite sure is real. You know how you see something utterly gorgeous but it's out of your price-range and you know you'll never get it, but you still look at it and go 'If only'? Some years ago (2013? Ish?) Debenhams had this coat in their winter collection:

And this Christmas... I got it!

It's hanging right next to me, so it obviously exists here, as something that belongs to me. So I am v happy. Also Impish Girl (the 18 y.o.) is v jealous, since she vividly remembered it, and coveted it, even age 12 or however old she was back then. She also said (with an edge to her words, how dare I get the coat that she loves *g*): 'Now you won't just be the prettiest mum in town, you'll also be the most stylish' and like, that made my Christmas!<3

Fannishness 2019

Well, when it comes to fandom Good Omens has reigned supreme this year. I never expected to fall in love with a show again, not on this scale, and I can't begin to explain how much it means to me. (There will be more fic soon.)

However there were other shows (in no particular order):

- Russian Doll. I loved this wholeheartedly, but could never find a single thing to say? It just is, it's pretty much perfect, it just... didn't hit *that* button.

- Umbrella Academy. This came out pre-Good Omens, and I fell, and I fell hard. I love it to pieces, and if it hadn't been for Good Omens, this might have become my main thing. It's far messier than GO, far more cynical and violent (Number Five is one of my favourite characters ever btw), and I look forward to S2 immensely.

- Bojack Horseman. Just started watching the new season. This show is unparalleled, being one of the funniest, most innovative and quietly brutal and insightful things around.

- Rick & Morty. Hm. I don't find the toilet humour appealing, but I can appreciate what it does. (Has anyone written anything on how Dan Harmon is dissecting masculinity through Morty, Jerry & Rick?)

- Derry Girls. I love everyone and everything, and all hail Sister Michael.

- Fleabag S2. No words, Fleabag is just poetry. Rude, messy, difficult, hilarious and beautiful. What a show. Loved the ending.

- The Windsors. I have a vague theory that there are two kinds of people: Those who watch The Crown, and those who watch The Windsors. I feel that I *ought* to watch The Crown, everyone says how great it is, but... The Windsors is hysterically funny, brilliantly written and everyone is terrible. (Prince Andrew? Disturbingly accurate; crude, sexist, creepy as hell, beyond selfish. Pippa socks him one in S2 when he grabs her ass, it's great.) I could go on, and might write an actual post tbh. It's great in the way of proper sitcoms, setting up completely ridiculous premises and executing them beautifully. (If you watch, the order is: S1, Christmas Special, S2, Wedding Special.) Only drawback: Kate is (for never explained reasons) a Traveller, although they use the word g*psy. (It is clearly an acceptable form of racism to happily broadcast, and the writers seem to have zero qualms about getting mileage out of every cliché. Just to give you a heads up.)

- Hannibal.

(Spectre was on TV yesterday and we semi-watched some of the ending - from the weird torture scene onwards - and ye gods what a disappointing villain the new Blofeld is. Zero menace, just a pathetic nerd. I thought longingly of Hannibal.) (Oh and Andrew Scott was in it for like three seconds and brightened everything up. Another wasted opportunity.)

There are probably things I've forgotten, but those are the main ones.

I feel like I ought to watch the new Star War (my heart belongs to TLJ, so my main concern was always that it didn't undo TLJ), but am mostly curious about Knives Out. Also the girls are keen on Little Women.

ETA: AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER! Dammit, knew I'd forget something. Basically binge-watched this with the fam and loved everything. Zuko is my darling forever. (I have a type, and I'm not apologising.)

Some sort of looking back at the past decade?

Looking back, then 2010 started with the Tenth Doctor regenerating to the Eleventh, an event that brought me untold joy, new best friends and a whole new world of meta. (I am torn re. the new Doctor Who tonight (6.55 - 8) - because it clashes with the Derry Girls Bake-Off (7.40 - 9). Derry Girls will probably win, and then we can watch Doctor Who afterwards. Sorry Thirteen. Oh and Dracula at 9pm! Moffaaaaat! ♥)

I was also not working yet (got my current job in 2011) and am unable to remember exactly what life was like as a stay-at-home-mum.

Best day/moment of the past decade was probably the 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony. Beautiful and brilliant and full of hope and excitement for the future.

Worst day (for me): 24 June 2016. :(

ETA: Feel I should also mention Gen-Z and the awesome young people stepping up. Malala. Greta. Little Miss Flint. The Parkland students. (So many more I could mention, but we are going to go out for a walk, so will log off.) It's shameful that children have to step up because the adults failed, but I am grateful that they are more than equal to the task.

And finally...

Fact we’re in the ‘Twenties’ sounds so weird. It’s so synonymous with the 1920s. Sounds like a bygone era when women were still fighting for their rights, the upper classes were living a life of hedonism whilst people starved & the world was on the verge of financial ruin and war
- Nooruddean (@BeardedGenius) January 1, 2020

The only thing I'd add to that is that this decade we need to be saving the actual planet. (And the NHS of course. And the country. And...) Starting 2010 I don't remember worrying about any of this. (Maybe I was naive and living in a bubble. And OK, sure climate change was a thing, but I guess I thought that governments would *do* something? Instead they just got racist & cosied up to billionaires.)

Post has been cloned from dreamwidth. Comments welcome everywhere.

tv, christmas, rl, stuff

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