Best Laid Plans

Jul 19, 2009 23:19

Title: Best Laid Plans
Pairing: Jack/Sawyer
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Pilot - Part One
Disclaimer: Not mine!
lostsquee luau: For inthekeyofd, who requested Jack/Sawyer with white.
Summary: What if Sawyer had decided to like Jack right off the bat and viewed Kate as the rival?

The good doctor was wearin' white, and it didn't get more fittin' than that.

Looked a little odd with the loose dress pants and the fancyass shoes - still remarkably shiny, given the circumstances - but the white undershirt was dirty and tight and clung to the man's torso like white on rice.

Sawyer lit up another cigarette, already wishing he hadn't given one of 'em up to the gremlin with the shakes in a fit of uncharacteristic nicety. Must've been the tropical heat getting to his head. He's running low and who knows how long before the rescue folks are comin' by.

The doc - Jack, he thinks his name is - is chattin' up that pretty, athletic chick whose been hanging around him since minute one. They're flirting, both of 'em kinda rusty from the looks of it. If they get all warm and snuggly by the fire he's gonna have to either punch someone or jerk off while listening in on the action. Maybe both.

He wonders how long they've really got before they're found. Cause it'd be nice to have somebody to screw around with on clean sheets in a nice hotel that they're sure to put 'em all up in for the night when they're back in civilization. A good fuck to celebrate they're alive and maybe a nice wallet to steal on his way out.

Doc looks like he'd fit the bill on both counts, but that'll only work if he gets Miss Freckles away from him first. That's step one. Step two would be to charm Jack out of his usual heterosexual ways and right into his pants.

He's worked bigger challenges in shorter amounts of time before.

Sawyer's about to saunter over and interrupt their conversation with a witty and slightly sarcastic observation, carefully played, when a strange, terrifying noise echoes from the jungle and everyone turns, wide-eyed with alarm.

Well. That certainly throws a wrench in things.

luau 2009, jack/sawyer

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