Lost Review: 3x22/23 "Through the Looking Glass"

May 23, 2007 23:01

Well. What do we all think about that?

*huge exhalation* Ok, so I read all about that entire episode and the whole flashforward things awhile ago and managed not to discuss it with anyone except jenthegypsy and zelda_zee. Phew. And even with that extra time to process it, I'm still not sure how I feel about it.

The Ten, Deluxe Edition! (<---that means there's extra crap on the end, it's nothing exciting.)

1) Let's just get this out of the way right off the bat: Sarah, you're more tan, you're pregnant, you're still a bitch, I still hate you. Some things never change.

2) Juliet kissed Jack! I guess when you're going on a suicide mission, you might as well go all out. Way to go her. And I think it's sure that she's come down on the side of good, yes? Can we put her in that column? I'm pretty firmly encamped in the good and now can start writing Jack/Juliet again without having to fight so hard against canon. My life just got a lot easier for het fic writing.

I, for one, did not expect it to be as simple a story as Juliet turning on the Others and that being that. It was far less twisty than I expected from this show.


Sawyer: So, you screwing Jack yet?

Juliet: No. Are you?

BWHAHAHAHA. Oh, Juliet. Thank you for that.

3) Jack tells Kate he loves her and sticks up for Sawyer because he knows Sawyer loves Kate and Kate loves Sawyer. Making someone feel better is what you do when you love them, no matter how much it hurts you personally to do so. I'm sorry, but come on...Jack is just about the coolest guy ever.

And as much as I hate to say it, I really don't think Kate loves him. Not on the island, not after the island, not at all.

4) Hurley, poor Hurley. Always getting left out because they all love him and don't want him to get hurt, but everyone using his weight as an excuse to leave him behind. Poor form, people. And then he came to the rescue in the VW! Smooshy Price, smooshy.

5) Sayid kicks ass. When he broke that guy's neck WITH HIS FEET I literally sat up and went, "Whoa, Sayid!" He pulls out his bag of tricks at the best times, seriously.

6) Danielle and Alex finally meet. It was not as emotional as I expected. Ben's just like, "Oh, uh, btw, her? Totally your mom." Danielle: "Waddup." Alex: Stares. Danielle: I'm going to touch your face and try to look poignant now. Stand still. It won't hurt.

Ok, so it wasn't that blase, but I guess I was expecting something a bit more from Danielle and Alex. Not that I wanted unrealistic instant connection and overwhelming tears of joy, but their reunion felt very flat.

ETA: Oh, man, I read other reviews and I totally missed Danielle asking Alex to help tie Ben up! Sweet. That makes this all better. A+, Danielle and Alex, A+.

7) Anyone else notice how Ben being questioned by his people and Jack being questioned by his mirror each other? I'm not really sure what to take away from that but I will figure it out soon. Because I don't really think they're trying to say Jack=Ben exactly, but I don't know what they are trying to say.

Jack might have just caused the destruction of his people the way Ben once did, but Ben did it willingly and purposefully and Jack...how could he not make that call? I don't think a single person in his position would have believed Ben and not called. If anyone says they wouldn't have done exactly what Jack did, I simply won't believe you. Because the chance of rescue vs. BEN and LOCKE'S word?

8) Sawyer saying so coldly he hopes Kate isn't pregnant rocked my world. Girl better not be preggers.

But on a serious note, is Sawyer falling back into the abyss? The way in which he killed Tom, after surrender, was cold. Perhaps Kate can pull him back or even better, maybe he can pull himself back. Going back to help his friends was very noble, so maybe it balances out.

But may I say that Tom is evil only when it is convenient for the plot? He's all "Jack is AWESOME" and very helpful and kind sometimes but then he's "We shoulda just killed them all" in this episode. I mean, Tom from this episode and from "Exodus" and "Hunting Party" deserved it. Tom from the rest of the season 3, did not.

9) Bonnie was the epitome of a tightly wound ice princess, yowsa. She liked to hit Charlie way too much.

10) When will these people learn? MIKHAIL CANNOT DIE. I said before that the man is Rasputin! Always tie down his corpse, folks. If you had done that, Charlie would still be alive.

I will break from the snark and glee to take a moment of silence for dear Charlie. As annoying as he may have intermittently been over the past three years, he was nothing if not a good guy. His death was selfless and sad and I will miss him a lot more than I ever expected to. I feel very badly for Claire and for Aaron, who have lost a part of their family, and for Hurley, who has lost his best friend.

And major kudos to Charlie for managing to write that message to Desmond on his hand as he was DROWNING. Why did Charlie have to get so awesome just before he met his end? I think the last time I loved Charlie this much was way back in the Pilot or White Rabbit when he first buddied up close to Claire.


Will Charlie die? Yes.

Is Locke dead? No.

Will they contact the ship? Yes.

Who were the five deaths? Charlie, Price, Tom, Bonnie, Greta, Naomi, eight other nameless Others. Um...that was way more than five, dudes.

Did Penny send Naomi? No. And she was apparently broadcasting from a study built by someone in the 1970s. What was with that decor?

Do they get off the island? Kate and Jack at least do.


Why didn't Charlie just run out and shut the door behind him? Wouldn't that have accomplished the same thing?

Does Penny spend all day sitting around trying to send out transmissions in hopes someone, somewhere, will pick it up?

How do they get off the island?

Is Ben telling the truth? Are Naomi's people the bad guys and what has Jack done by making that call?

Obviously, Richard, Mikhail, and Locke are all linked by some power of the island. What is going on?

Why the hell did Walt swing back around for a visit to say howdy?

Did Locke try to stop Jack because he knew Naomi was bad or was it another "we can't leave the island" action?

Who was in the casket in the flashforward? Why did it hit Jack so hard while Kate didn't give a damn? (My $ right now is on Ben.)

Is Christian Shephard still alive? And wtf? (I think Jack may have been a bit loony and using his dad's old Rx pads to get Oxycodone. I refuse to believe this shit is true.)

Who does Kate have to get home to?

And how the hell did she adjust to post-island life so radiantly while Jack is tumbling down a black hole? Seriously, she looked like a Pantene Pro-V commercial. I'm already hating post-island Kate already because she has clearly abandoned Jack.

What is Jack sick of lying about?

Why is he suicidal? Why does he want to get back so badly, why does he think they weren't supposed to leave?

And one final question: WHY IS SARAH SUCH A WHORE? Seriously. God, I hate her.

I shall end on this note: FIX MY JACK! Broken!Jack makes me want to bawl.

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