Heroes 1x23 "How To Stop An Exploding Man"

May 21, 2007 22:04

A couple of yays!

1. Hiro finally had the guts to kill Sylar. *applauds Hiro*

2. Ando is safe. Yahoo!

3. Nikki and Jessica FINALLY merged. Sweet.

4. Nathan was a good guy. No more "oh, my conscience is paaainnnneddd..." looks from Adrian Padsar, that is, if he somehow survived.

5. Linderman is dead. Woot.

6. Parkman may be dead. (Ok, I love Greg Grunberg, but that character annoys me.) If he survives those multiple gunshot wounds to the chest, I will be disappointed.

7. Micah and Molly are going to be the best childhood sweethearts ever.

8. Peter is hot. Hotter now that he has Nikki's super strength. Yowsa.

9. Sylar wanted to be the hero? He wanted Peter to go down as the bad guy? Kinda like the way his twisted mind works. Love you, you evil, evil Sylar. *badass smooches*

10. Mohinder ran around being pointless and pretty. He is the most consistent character on television.

A couple of questions:

1. When Peter is being overwhelmed by Ted's power, does that make all his other powers non-usable? I mean, I guess so b/c he doesn't fly himself away, Nathan has to do it. Peter doesn't make much use of his other powers normally anyway, he's kinda D'oh! about it. Like, last week, when they were stuck in the traffic jam, why didn't he just fly away with Claire?

2. So...what the bejeezus was Mr. Deveaux's power? And what are Mama and Papa Petrelli's? I know they will answer these questions next season, but I want to know now. *pouts*

3. Who is this new awful supervillain of which Molly spoke?

4. Is Mr. Nakamura immortal? He and Richard Alpert should hang together. Have a little party.

5. How is D.L. not dead? They were carting him around like baggage and miraculously he's just fine.


7. Anyone else think Claire was remarkably non-devastated by watching her father and most favoritest uncle go splodey? I mean, she went all angsty face for a moment but then she was all "let's go home, pops."

8. Most importantly, is Peter dead? I don't care about Nathan. Is Peter dead? Please say no.

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