Open Sketch

Oct 12, 2014 17:29

About a month ago I managed to get my courage together and start going to the Open Sketch at the Drawing Studio. And by courage I mean I managed to convince my friend Abby to go with me. She was game, especially when she found out it was downtown and we could grab coffee at a hipster-ish cafe.

The studio is neat and spacious. Also, slightly intimidating. Easel? Horse? Neither? Then there are the artists. All of them packing clipboards and tackle boxes of pastels (chalk and oil). However, they are all delightful people. Very friendly and very encouraging. It's kind of like the scribal group in that respect. If you ask them about how they do something they are happy to tell you about it.

It's $10 (cash) and the sessions last 3 hours. The Sunday session is several short poses and then a couple longer ones. Other days have costume sessions or long pose only. I like the shorter poses. I'm less likely to get stuck spinning my wheels. Draw the model while I can and then... NEXT!

After three visits I'm starting to feel the cobwebs blow out. There are definitely things I want to work on (faces, tone, etc), but it's a process and I'm enjoying it.

Considering the subjects are all nudes I don't feel 100% comfortable posting them on Facebook or Twitter. So, here are some of the highlights.

First session:

Second Session:

Third Session:

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