
Apr 13, 2014 12:09

There are times when I love my German heritage. The fact that they have a word to describe just about everything is just horribly amusing.

Do you enjoy the suffering of others? Schadenfreude!

Do you like suffering? Masochist! (Technically Austrian in origin.)

Do you like coffee and gossip? Get thee to a kaffeeklatsch!

Things are kaput or verboten, you can have kitsch or angst, and there's always the amazingly terrifying badger hound (dachshund)!

Recently I discovered a phrase that has actually made me feel a bit better: Frühjahrsmüdigkeit. It literally translates to "spring tiredness."

For years and years I've had I've dealt with a bad depression about twice a year. One in the months of October and November and another, much more severe one, in March and April. When I tell people that I get my spring time depression they are typically surprised. After all, TV and media love to spout off about how people are depressed during the colder and less sunny months. The fact that I get my worse depression during the season when things are getting warmer and sunnier is just...odd.

Here's a brief summary of the whole thing. I've started upping my vitamins, trying to eat more veggies and fruits, drink more water, sleep regularly, and get some exercise.

The exercise is hard. I have almost no energy. I'm tired and it feels like I'm moving through Jell-O. I'm on my feet most of the day at work and by the time I go to the dojo I could just collapse. I know that I'm slower and weaker than usual. Going through the forms and drills is rough. I just want to curl up and sleep, constantly.

Everything feels like it takes so much more effort than it should. I'm trying to push through it. It's tough though.
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