Jan 14, 2011 12:43
First post for the New Year!
It's no secret that I have problems with motivation. And attention span. And finishing things.
I'm the type of person who starts something awesome with the best of intentions. And then I just... get bored and stop. Or get discouraged and stop. Or I move on to some other project I'm super excited for, and the previous one sits forgotten in a closet somewhere.
So, for 2011, I propose a Project (and most emphatically not a resolution).
20 for 2011 is my attempt at completing 20 creative projects (writing, art, sewing, decorating, etc) this year.
The rules: To count as a 20 for 2011 project, the project must be completed within one calendar year (January 1, 2011-December 31, 2011); and may not have been more than 25% completed prior to January 1, 2011.
20 projects in a year doesn't seem like a lot. But really it's nearly 2 complete projects per month. And to me, someone who rarely finishes the things I start, it's a huge goal.
And now, I'm off to find something to accomplish!
20 for 2011