It's so true that you learn something new everyday...

Mar 28, 2005 19:04

First off, I am so excited about Closer coming out tommorrow. That's my favorite movie. But more importantly I learned something very important today in my religon class. We were studying Buddism and I found the concepts and beliefs to be so truthful and it made me see life so differently. Accordiing to Buddism your on a constant path to enlightenment; searching for reality, detachment, wisdome/understanding, and compassion. That might seem kind of vague but when you really think about it it makes pety problems that feel so important at the time, nothing. In Buddism you must always know that change is constant. Therefore you dont get attached to anything, and you dont desire anything. Because your going to be a different person, a changed person, tommorrow. You have to look at life like this. To live is to suffer ( i know that sounds really pessimistic but just stay with me). But you suffer because you desire things. Therefore to end suffering you must end the desire. Whether it be wanting something you can't have, or getting something you want and having it go away. The desire to maintain relationships. You can stil love your friends, and I know for a fact I will always love my friends, but you have to realize that nothing is forever. Accepting the fact that everyone and everything, including yourself, will always change frees you. Like if you love someone and your with them then thats awesome. But if you love someone and they leave, or you leave, then thats also awesome. That sounds really out there but if you don't let yourself become attached, and you dont burdon yourself with desires, then you can live a very peaceful happy existence. It makes so much sense. Be a good person, don't do things to hurt people if you can help it, and realize that no matter what your going to end up happy if you have good karma. Knowing that like really fills me with an inner peace. I know I must sound so wack right now but I just really think looking at things like this is the way to do it.
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