Flying so high!

May 29, 2007 13:04

Well, what can I say. This weekend rocked despite it getting off for a rocky start. Friday nite the girls came over for dinner - Fi cooked and Eli tried to help (well Fi had it all in control). Dinner was lovely - it was Lee, me, Pete, Rob, Fi and Dan. Fi made an awesome meal... we then ended up going out in town - for some reason the night just didn't work out for me. I lost everyone in Cruz, threw a strop and stormed off home. On the plus side Dan was really cute - I told him I liked his shirt so he let me wear it on the dance floor.

Saturday ended up being a nice day too. Fi came over around midday (as she had fallen asleep at Petra La Rue's flat with Rob and Dan). We chilled out, ate, had a few drinks and watched a lot of trashy tv i.e. Home and Away and Hollyoaks Ominibus. We then met up with Dan and Rob went to Asda and then down to Chlorton. We had a BBQ in the garden (and the weather just about held up!)with a ridiculous amount of food and a few beers. Was so nice just chilling and chatting. We then watched 2/3rds of Forrest Gump before everyone crashed. Had a great nights sleep too.

In the morning we all watched the end of Forrest Gump and the 2nd season Queer as Folk before Dan drove Rob and I into town. I then went and met Lee off his train and had a quick drink in Via Fossa with him and Pete before going home. We then had training. Oh, my, God... did it hurt... YES... Eli might have moaned a bit more than usual - although she did beat Fi on a 50m sprint...ok Fi beat me the 2nd time around but that's not the point! Made me happy anyway.

Post training Fi and Pete came back with Lee and I to mine to get changed. Was pretty amusing really. Fi and I spent ages trying on each others clothes chopping and changing outfits. Once we had decided what we were wearing we put our make up on - .... with Pete constantly looking at himself in the mirror behind us... lol!

We then head over to Dan's for a glass of wine before heading down to Federation (at the Ritz). OH MY GOD... I can honestly say it was the best nite I have ever had out and that is no joke. I was so naturally high I got quite emotional at times but in a really good way. I wasn't drunk and I think that was part of the reason it was so god. I found my ideal dancing partner in Dan - we were just bouncing off each other all nite! Was soooo good. I not only made it to the end of Fed (a first may I state) but I also made it to a chillout at Rob n Fi's. Wasn't really my cup of tea but still pleased I went. Spent a lot of it tucked up in Fi's bed with Lezzie bear and Eddie the Emew. hehe... Fi was really good and kept checking on me - bless. I came down and joined the others after a few hours and eventually went home about 10.30am. I ended up going straight to bed and pretty much not functioning until 3pm when Fi came over. We then went to the Printworks for some greasy food in the form of Old Orleans burgers. Was pretty nice despite the fact that we were both monged. We drew on the table with the wax crayons they gave us and chatted about a fair bit of stuff never really mentioned before. Was really nice. We then went back to mine - watched some Tv. Fi slept threw til 9pm while I watched Hook. I eventually went to bed about 9.45pm and completely crashed.

I'm pretty good today really. Looking forward to swimming tonight. Right, lunch is nearly over and think I've waffled on enough. I hope u lot had a weekend as magic as mine. Xx
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