Your Kissing Purity Score: 17% Pure
For you, it's all kiss and no talk.
You're in a permanent lip lock.
Kissing Purity Test i guess this is a good thing?
i relaized today that i have yet to do all of those interviews, so if you still want one, send me a line. bc i should have time this weekend.
prac. tomorrow. got to get tix. there feels like there is this thing sitting on teh bottome of my stomach just laughing at me. i can't shake it, but sometimes it stays and sometimes it goes. its not that i am leaving, its not that my clases hate me, its not that i'm sick. i just.... don't quite know what's going on.
and speaking of what's going on.... my summer is kind of in the air right now. my contact at the wetlands has yet to reply, so currently it looks like i am going to be spending the summer on teh beach with my grandfather, waiting for them to call me. and then there is the other problem, which has yet to resolve itself. this particular issue could ruin or create my perfect summer, and i really hope the choice goes my way. maybe the weight on my stomach is from that. but i don't know why i would let it affect me this much.
and this past weekend was pretty good. went to boston to see my family (all of my mom's side) and enjoy time off from school. didn't really study for the midterm (this morn') but i think that went alright too. its funny. i DON'T drink at school, and i don't really ever drink with my family, but this weekend, i dunno, i think it was just comfortable. its not like i got drunk, i just drank with my da and it was oddly good.
this coming weekend should be pretty interesting. i don't yet know what it will entail, but i am sure that frisbee/party (or both) will factor into my plans.
oh and i got this great passive aggressive email today that made me laugh for twenty minutes straight. it made my day.
but i think the topic of the email will haunt me for a few months... unless that choice falls in place.
i got nothin else.