Aug 15, 2006 13:01
So I'm back to work tonight, after having a whopping 5 days off... :o( *cries*
I kept quite active on my days off, well not as active as my last stretch of days off. Thank goodness... Last week when I was doing road trips like every day, I became overly exhausted. Fun to the extreme, but so tiring, being gone all day, and coming home late at nite, and waking up early, going out all day and nite again, and doing this for like 4 days straight.
This time around, it was more so, hanging around the house, and doing things around here with people, and the occasional outing. Nothing too spectacular. I did end up going into work on my first day off, Friday, to do some work on the cooler section. I wanted to get back in there and move some shelves around, and re-sequence the damn thing yet again, after I had re-merchandised many of the doors again. Of course, as soon as Wallace & Carey comes again this week, on Wednesday, I'll just have to re-sequence it again. Damn this section is a challenging one, in that it is always changing, and always keeps me on my toes. It's actually a good thing to some degree that I am the category manager for that section, I think if some other people had it, it would not get the attention to detail that is needed.
So hung out a bit this weekend again with Mandy. We were able to have a couple dinner and Mario Party nites... Yay! It's nice that we're able to fit in more visits, as when fall comes, it's more difficult to squeeze things in, what with her in school again, and my work schedule.
Didn't get the chance to really see Jo or Josh this weekend. Jo has been working some more crazy overtime. Swimming in the $$$ baby! HOOK ME UP! Hehehehe Kidding. Just don't overwork yourself hun... *hugs* Josh I hope all goes well with the new job possibility. Keep me posted. We so need to do something again soon. Maybe we can arrange a dinner and movie/Mario Party nite again soon?
Had my sister and Jake over last nite for dinner, and some video games. We played Mario Party for a little while, but didn't even end up finishing our game, although I think I was the winner when we left, I had 5 stars, and my closest competitor was Jake with 2 stars I think. We decided to go to the casino here in London for a little while to see if we could win anything. I didn't win anything, of course... I have such touch and go luck there. Sometimes I win a decent amount, and then I go through periods where I win NOTHING. Oh well. Anyhoo, my sister was doing well, she put $5 into one machine, and sat and played it for at least 2 hours straight, and then Jake came and got her, as they had to leave, he worked uber early the next morning. Like at 3am. :oP But yeah, when she cashed out, she had $25... so GO HER! Richie was doing well also. He had gotten one handpay jackpot, of $130, and then several big coing cashouts. After Amanda and Jake left, I just started watching, and helping Richard play his money. I helped him get a $180 hand pay jackpot! YAYNESS! I think when we left, which was at like 2:30am, he was up like $40 bucks. Nothing spectacular, but still up. I must admit it was nice to have something to help me stay up, as I switch to nites the following nite. I usually fall asleep in front of the tv or the computer... Especially since they're usually isn't many people on late at nite. Besides you Jeffy...*Hugs*... :o)
Came home and watched a little bit of Buffy, I'm onto Season #2 now, and had a bagel and some cream cheese... mmmmm :-P
Then it was off to bed.
Today, I think we're going to hang out with Mandy again for a little bit, then likely come back here and have some dinner, and maybe a movie or some Nintendo again. Then I'm off to work. Which in a sense I am kind of missing. Weirdo I know. I wanna see what's happening there since I've been away. I'm sure there's tonnes of new GOSSIP... gotta love that shit huh?
Anyhow, I hope everyone is well, and I hope to talk to you all again soon. Jo & Josh, lemme know when you guys wanna do dinner... and Jeffy, keep me posted on the status of "the package"... :oP