Writers Block

May 12, 2009 18:35

It's Limerick Day! Share a favorite or compose your own humorous five-line poem with an AABBA rhyme structure.

In a tribute to Ogden Nash, I wrote this one a few years back.  It's called "Ode to a Hurricane."

I think that I shall never see
a condo lovely as the sea
Indeed unless the condos fall
I'll never see the sea at all.

No it's not 5 lines.  Yes it is only 4.  It's not a real limerick, and I don't care. :o)

Here is an Ogden Nash Limerick:

There once was a belle from Olde Natchez
whose garments were always in patches.
When comment arose
on the state of her clothes,
she drawled, "When ah itches, ah scratches."
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