So about a month ago, they changed the proxy server at 'place of employment' and restricted access to a bunch of stuff like social networking sites and blogs. This means that there is no lj for eli at the salt mine.
I don't actually have a problem with this. While I probably spent more time on lj than I figured I did, it's not like I spent all of my time on it. But man, do I feel disconnected and out of the loop. I'm gonna hafta start fitlering so that I can get through everything and not miss anything important (like
x_pixel_x's growing Jared obsession. Welcome to the club baby, we have a giant dorky hottie, and puppies.)
It's been busy as hell recently, what with the holidays and stuff. I host la familia for Christmas Eve fondue so I have been attempting to clean and decorate and get everything the fuck done. How this tricksy holiday managed to sneak up on me so quietly I have no idea. I usually figure out it's time for Christmas when it starts getting so friggin' dark and it drops to about six hours of daylight. But I've been working pretty late, er, lately and it doesn't matter if it's dark by four pm if you don't leave the office till seven. It also may be the weather, it's been -20 degrees for almost two weeks, which is just redonk at this time of the year.
But whatever. Mostly everything is now done, I just have a little more cleaning, a dap more decorating and half a butt-load of food prep and it will be time to party. And I am now on vaycay till January fifth! Yee haw.
So my lovely flist o' love.
Merry Freakin' Christmas Y'all!