Dec 05, 2008 23:06
I suck at the internets. On Wednesday I didn't even turn on my computer and had no time at work for more than a cursory glance. I think I'm going into withdrawal.
I always seem to forget just how busy this time of the year gets, and this is just the start of the three busiest months for me, with Christmas then year end and audits at work.
I was beginning to think it might be a little better this year (the year end and audit thing) we seem to be getting our shit figured out at the salt mine. But with people leaving, a hiring freeze and a desperate shuffle to cut budgets we're down one body (brain) right now and could be down more soon. There are rumours that they will be taking away remote access, which sucks like a sucking thing that sucks. No more reconciliations in my jammies. Bastards.
Bad mojo in Canadian politics makes elibad incoherent with rage. Hopefully this shit will die the painful death it deserves. One can only hope that Santa plans to bring Stephan Dion, Jack Layton and the rest of their brain-dead cohorts a freaking brain for Christmas. And don't think your getting of easy either Stevie boy. My shit list, let me show you it.
Tomorrow's plan is a massive margarita party. One of the beffies wrote her professional exam Monday night and as is our 'tradition' we are off to Julio's Barrio for Julio's 3 oz fishbowl margaritas. When I finished my professional program, we each had about 12 of those bad boys, we sloshed like mad and drank ourselves sober, it was awesome. So a few margaritas, some fab mexican food and hard core hangover! Whee.
Holiday cards, my flist o' love. I plan on spending my hungover Sunday writing out painfully boring and likely trite messages into generic, non-specific holiday cards (with my Avon lipstick pen!) to send to all my nearest and dearest. I know you want one.
oh! canada!,
ranty mcrantpants,
life - some times i pretend to have one