Life: it goes on.

Jan 29, 2007 20:22

Ha, as always, the lovely machi_neko comes through with teh gorgeous userpics by request. Isn't she just lovely folks?

I think living at home is starting to sink in. There isnt anyone to help me fix my compuer so I'm stuck making do with my Mom's laptop, except for those weeks like this when she takes it out of town with her and I get to gank whatever pc time I can while the old man is asleep or at work. But, my Mom also brings me home snuggles which are pastries from this little bakery that we used to get all the time when I was little.

Or, I find out that my boss is shorting me hours at work so I'm getting paid about $70 less than I'm supposed to every month, but after I'm curled up on the couch freezing cold from brooming about 6 inches of snow off my car so I can go to work the next morning, my Dad brings me a blankie and covers me up. Meh, I guess it's not so bad.

Being as I had no internet access I spent most of my day off doing nothing but working through my book of sudoku puzzles and reading in a bubble bath. Lazy, yet satisfying. I have also found a new love of txting through Bryan who's computer died the past week so we've been chatting back and forth. I think I've gone through about 90 texts in a week or so.

I also learned important lessons recently. When getting your cartilage pierced, your ears will be way sensitive to pressure for going on a week now. Don't do both at once. If you sleep on your side typically.... you won't be sleeping for that time. Because sleeping with one hand cupped under your ear to keep from putting any pressure on it? Not so restful.

Heroes is back as of last week and oh the deliciousness. I totally watched Deal or no Deal beforehand because they had a sneak preview of a new supernatural. She had the coolest powers too. She has the internet... in her head. She can totally send you ims with her brain. Damn I could use that!!! Ah well. What can you do eh? I've actually been kinda lacking with my internet surfing. I get on, catch my web updates, check my email so the spam doesnt build up to bad. Delete the msgs from people hitting on me in myspace. Come see what's new with ya'll, maybe catch up on my webcomics and the cousins blog. Work kinda eats your soul...

Well, work and another trip to half price books. I've been reading a new series where the main occupation of the noble court is basically prostitution. They have a set of houses called the Night Court. Which is short for the night blooming flowers. Each of them has a canon to which their "adepts" conform. If you're born to one of those noble houses and don't conform, you're sold off by the age of ten. By the age of 13 you're taking lessons in how to please others. Also, your time spent in service is marked by a tattoo on your back. Your price is paid to your house but if your patrons give you any money on the side it's spent on your marque. When it goes from the base of your spine to the nape of your neck your service is done.

The story follows a girl born with a red speck in your eye, which is a mark of favor from Kushiel (their religion is really convoluted dont ask) which means that any pain given to her she also feels as pleasure. Basically making her really into s&m and extremely rare. The houses don't know who she is, but she's bought by a man who trains her to be a spy, it all falls apart holy crap. By about 300 pages into the story you can't believe how much has already gone down, but oh yeah.. its 800 pages long. I can barely put it down. SOOOOO GOOOD!

I also picked up a series sorta like Anita Blake but about witches and sorcerers and covens and cabals and all sorts of stuff but its still not nearly as good. Plus another book about a sorta middle eastern war like culture with harems but its really dense with the description and theres a ton of politics so I put off reading the sequel till later.

Mostly... I'm really bored and miss ya'll so drop me a line!!

books, family

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