Feb 03, 2005 12:37
I walked out of the library this morning and saw this strange light. I wasn't sure what it was. Everything was bright. And a bit warmer than it has been...and then it ocurred to me: it was the sun! I was so happy. And it's still there!
I got some muffins for my aunt and decorated the kitchen for her birthday. She liked it a lot. So that was good.
I have to take my car into the shop when I get out of school, so I don't know how long I will be there. Plus Andrew is still under the weather, so I don't know if we're going to get to do anything tonight or not. I really miss him. I haven't seen/talked to him much this week since he's been sick. The last time I saw him was Monday when he looked at my car.
Good news though. I made 25/25 on my first Art History pop quiz! I'm happy about that too. I was really worried about it.
List Eater made SI on campus too. For those of you that don't know the story, to put it breifly, there was a tent village outside Kyle Field to get tickets to the Cotton Bowl. All of a sudden, this girl walks up to the ticket window claiming to be the first in line, and then when she was refuted on that, she took the waiting list and ate it. Last I heard she was filing assault charges because someone threw a donut at her.
Well, that's about all to report.
I hope everyone is having a good day.