Life and such...

Mar 17, 2008 05:03

Writing: I don't know where my priorities are going right now since I am so wrapped up in Razor still. I hope to get scene six posted today or tomorrow!!

I also wrote that short in response to the prompt challenge that someone has suggested some really interesting work with. *sighs* I am really getting away from my romance, but we shall see where the Muse takes me, I guess.
I doubt that I would be writing this if it didn't need to be written in some form or fashion.

I will try and work on the plotting for Hunger for the Flames, though. Plotwk for Wriye really does demand it.  I have started working on my character sheets for Out of the Cold. It might be that all of this will simply give my stuff more depth. We shall see.
I hope to have the apartment finished within the week, and that means the computer will be set up and functioning for my writing all day long.

Life: Work is going okay. I am getting writing done, so that is good.
AVON seems to be going well, too. Now that I have more time for it, I might do even better.

Mom and I are getting along and the rest of the family stuff is rocking along, too. The only real cloud on the horizon is my finances.
Such is life, though.

Art: Well, once I have the apartment straightened up, I should have room and light for painting. I am looking forward to it now that I have canvasses to play with. For now, it is something to work toward.

Exercise and Eating Choices: I went grocery shopping Saturday morning after work and was able to get some very healthy food for myself and my roommate. We should be able to have stir fry and the like all week.
I also got us tilapia for when she gets back into town tomorrow. Just so you don't think I only bought stuff that we both can eat (messing with the finances thing), I also bought myself chicken and turkey sausage.
I will be trying to go for a walk before bedtime every day this week.

So that is my real update for this week. We shall see where the winds of chance take me and where the Consistency Challenge and PlotWk land me next week.

writing, plotting, life, wriye

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