A night of mixed feelings

Nov 02, 2008 00:44

She WAS there. For the first time in months, i saw Dee. She's just as cute as i remember her, just as nice and sweet, and still funny. It was really awesome seeing her, except for 2 things. 1) She had a boyfriend, and this one's been around for a while, if i remember correctly. Nice guy too, i liked him. And 2)... i didnt care. It didnt bother me that the girl i had such a huge crush on for so long was completely unnavailable.

This confused me for a bit, until i figured out that...i dunno. While it's safe to say she's still attractive, I'm just not into her anymore. not that i'd kick her outta bed for eating crackers, mind you. But...in all honesty, i wasnt dissapointed that there was no connection to be made. She was my type, before i had a type, if that makes sense. So, while i still think she's hot, i dont look at her and instantly think "wow, i'd love to date her!" anymore.

I guess what i'm getting at here, is that i had a great night, and got to see some old friends...and that that was it. The search continues. But it heartens me that i'm even on the search. 2 weeks ago, i wouldnt have imagined going to a party specifically hoping to meet someone and try to maybe develop something with them. It feels like a serious step forward for me.
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