
Oct 30, 2008 15:25

Monday was a shitton of fun. I searched all over milford and orange for a safari shirt to complete my indiana jones costume, but couldnt find one. It's alright though, cuz i had a shirt that works well enough. It was so fun cracking the bullwhip all night, and me and rob had a Snake/Indy fistfight. Then everyone kept wanting to try out the whip. Capslock (I think his name is Darren or something?) was pretending to whip me, and i felt bad cuz i pretended to get hit in the eye by the whip, which scared the crap out of Caitlin, cuz she thought i actually got hit. There was a little unpleasentness near the end of the night which is still really angering me, but i wont get into it here. ask me privately if you really want to know more. But all in all the night was a blast.

Tuesday actually wound up being fun too. I worked from 2:30 till 10:00, and then decided to go hang out at Davor's. so i stopped at Bella Napoli's and grabbed a couple pizzas, and then was hailed as a god when i arrived at Davor's with food. It was just Davor, Iggy, Sarah (Davor's current Girlfriend), and Mike Majoris by the time i got there, but we had fun. i played a couple games of beerpong, had a really good conversation with Davor and Mike (Iggy and Sarah had both gone to sleep by then), and then i drove the both of them to the diner, since i was the only really sober one. We ate, talked some more, and then Mom called. i hadnt noticed the time, and it was almost 4 AM. I cant even remember the last time i stayed out that late. I was already late, so we stayed out a while longer, and it was almost 5 till i finally dropped them both off and hit the sack, but it was totally worth it.

Nothing really exciting happened on Wed, just went to class, came home, and talked to a few people online. One fairly interesting conversation, but it didnt really go anywhere new.

Today i'm being kindof bad, i'm skipping class in order to catch dinner with Gabe, Gabe's brother Phil, and Gabe's friend Ramona. We're going to sushi palace, and it should be pretty fun. Oh, plus i Watched Music and Lyrics for like, the 5th time. and It actually picked my spirits up. i love the song the movie is kinda based around, "Way Back into love." It just cheers me up, cuz it reminds me that there are other people out there looking for love, and eventually i'm bound to find one of them.
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