A strange ride

Oct 19, 2008 23:22

today started terribly. I woke up suddenly, from a nightmare. I dont remember any details from this nightmare, except that Caitlin was in it, and she was crying uncontrolably. Needless to say, this freaked me out. However, this was immediately followed by me realizing "oh shit, i didnt set an alarm. thank god i just woke up, cuz i have to go to work in an hour" Then my mom made bacon, which kicked ass.

Work was awesome, if only because i got my new name tag and labcoat, making me "officially" a photolab technician. Now i get to where a shirt and tie to work, instead of the shitty poloshirt/uniform thing.

i got out of work, and everything was awesome for like, 3 hours, because i managed to fill up my tank for UNDER 30 DOLLARS!!! that hasnt happened in....i actually cant remember the last time that happened. buhyah!

I called Chris, and he's mailing me one component of my Halloween costume. I'm borrowing another from Poppop. I already own 2 items, and tomorrow i go to goodwill to look for the other 4 ingrediants of kickassery.

umm...thats about it actually, The day is slowly winding to a close. i'm pretty much going to bed now, since i've sat around doing nothing for the past 8 hours. i really need to find more people to hang out with, cuz i'm tired of weekends that suck. Well, friday was decent i suppose...but yeah, the rest of the weekend sucked.
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