Success seminar

Aug 26, 2008 14:59

Alright, so today from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM i have to go to a seminar that's the last thing i need to do before my job at CVS is official. They call it "getting successed" whatever that means. I'm a little leery of this, as i'm really not sure what i'd need to learn for 4 straight hours just for working at CVS, but i guess i'll find out.

In other news, i've realized that i've been far too mopey and self pitying lately. part of that, i think, is because i've been stuck in the same surroundings since Caitlin broke up with me. I'm surrounded by memories, mostly good, but also kinda painful. So two things. ONE: i've decided i'm not gonna do it anymore. i am NOT gonna be mopey, i'm not gonna be depressed. i WANT to be happy again. TWO: to help me pull off ONE, i'm putting out a general call. I need shit to do. i need to get out and meet new people. so if anyone can think of something, from going to a club, to bar-hopping, to going on a daytrip, whatever, please let me know. call me, text me, IM me, whatever. i'm just really tired of sitting around my house all day.

All my classes this semester (i was allowed to register for 2 more, bringing the total to 4) are in the latter half of the week, 2 on wed. evening, 1 thursday night, and one friday morning. I should have work most mornings, but i'll be free after 4ish. So if anyone's making plans this semester, and you dont mind my company, i'm almost pathetically eager to be invited along.
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