Teen Wolf: [Podfic] Tried and Tested Series (WIP)

Nov 04, 2012 20:36

Audio books have never been my thing, and that translated into fandom as well. Don't ask my why I downloaded and listened to this podfic, but I am glad I did. It really was a joy to listen to, very well paced and she did a great job of conveying Derek's desperation and Stiles ever changing emotions.

Title: [Podfic] I'm Betting This Wasn't Beta Tested
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Summary: Derek is thrown into a violent heat in the wake of Lydia and Peter's actions at the end of Party Guessed. Debilitated by his own needs, Derek reaches out to Stiles, the only person he wants and can hope to trust.)

Sequels: [Podfic] Well, You Failed That Pop Quiz, [Podfic] There Will Be An Essay Portion, [Podfic] How To Pass A Take-Home Exam

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status:wip, fandom:teen wolf, podficcer:dodificus, pairing:derek/stiles

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