Teen Wolf: Tried and Tested Series (WIP)

Nov 04, 2012 21:44

So I have uneasy relationship to mpreg. If the author can sell it to me, I am totally on board, but there are certain fandoms that I believed no one would be able to sell it to me. I thought Teen Wolf was one of them until I stumbled across this series. She did what I thought was impossible while keeping everyone in character. The series is a work in progress that gets better with each story that is added. I am in love with Stiles' dad.

Title: I'm Betting This Wasn't Beta Tested
Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Derek is thrown into a violent heat in the wake of Lydia and Peter's actions at the end of Party Guessed. Debilitated by his own needs, Derek reaches out to Stiles, the only person he wants and can hope to trust.

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Title: Well, You Failed That Pop Quiz
Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Rating: Mature
Summary: Derek's life is never easy. That's probably why he ends up on Deaton's exam table then Stiles' bedroom. There are some issues no wolf should ever have to deal with and being unexpectedly bred in the aftermath of his heat is at the top of the list.

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Title: There Will Be an Essay Portion
Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Rating: Mature
Summary: Dude plus dude does not equal baby. Stiles knows this. He did the math. Only it turns out that werewolf math works differently sometimes. Yeah, Stiles is in so deep. His dad is going to make sure of that.

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Title: How to Pass a Take-Home Exam
Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Rating: Mature
Summary: Sheriff Stilinski just learned about werewolves and the upcoming arrival of an unexpected grandchild via an impossible magic pregnancy. He's having a very hard day. Unfortunately, his evening doesn't look like it will be any easier.

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kink:mpreg, author:dancinbutterfly, status:wip, kink:first time, fandom:teen wolf, pairing:derek/stiles

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