Smallville: Emergency

Mar 21, 2011 17:49

Sequel to Reciprocation, Give and Take and Quality Time written by one of my favorite Clex author, PL Nunn. I love the way she writes Lex. There is a complexity to the character that is captivating. Clark leaves to go train with Jor-el for 2 to 3 month and ends up staying for a year. Needless to say Lex doesn't take it well.

Title: Emergence
Author: PL Nunn
Pairing: Clark/Lex
Rating: R
Summary: A sequel in the Reciprocation/Give and take/Quality Time Universe. When Clark goes to train with Jor-el and is gone considerably longer than expected, Lex begins to unravel. Matters are made worse when an earth threatening disaster descends.

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