Welcome to new readers blackberry74, gtonizuka, and tgellerI'm blessed to gain new friends, and I am finding myself increasingly comfortable with dropping connections from Atlanta that don't hold a special meaning for me or are at least entertaining enough for me to read
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By booking a flight on Frontier airlines, even using Frontier's web site, I can count each segment as a flight on Airtran for purposes of Airtran's frequent user program.
Sprout had enough around local 12 Noon and passed out. I poked him awake a few times then gave up. He's since bounced in an out of consciousness a few times
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Yet another old Atlanta radio station bites the dust. Peach 94.9, which for 20 years has been the station of choice for elevator music, smooth jazz, "adult contemporary", and a whole month of Christmas music, is no more.
Atlanta has yet another country station, The Bull.