On Dec 1st (before the SUP buyout announcement, I think), I opened a support request about the flagging feature:
The new filter has three options: No Filter (which is what it used to be; no idea why you people didn't leave it there as the default),
Moderate Filter (filters explicit adult and offensive content),
Strict Filter (filters all adult and offensive content.)
I believe I understand how the "adult concepts"/"explicit content" labels get attached to posts, although I still don't know what criteria are used by LJ's staff. (And I will be opening another request later to ask for details about that.)
However, I've found no description of how something gets tagged as "offensive content." Is this a label that can be applied by the Abuse Team? If so, what are the criteria for considering something offensive?
Also, which offensive content is permitted to be in a journal, rather than being a TOS violation under the term "...or otherwise objectionable." What kind of offensive content is not objectionable?
It's been 9 days, which is an impressive amount of time for not getting an answer.
Discussion between 6A and APT, about the flagging feature:
SIXAPART: We have a new feature that will allow people to flag Adult and Offensive content! It will clean up LiveJournal!
ABUSE PREVENTION TEAM: Since we're the ones who'll be seeing the stuff that's flagged... Um... what's 'adult content?'
6A: Oh, you know... stuff that kids shouldn't see.
APT: What stuff is that? I mean, I don't want my kids to see accidents on the freeway, but they do anyway.
6A: Of course anything on the news is okay. We mean, stuff like sex. Explicit sex, anyway. And, umm, torture videos.
APT: Other than torture videos and hardcore porn, what's adult content?
6A: We told you--stuff that kids shouldn't see. DUH! Were you raised in by wolves or something?
Otherkin APT member: Well, actually, I...
Rest of APT: Shaddup, you. Now, umm... Mr. 6A, respectfully--how are we supposed to know what adult content is? Everyone has a different idea about that.
6A: Don't be ridiculous. If it's NC-17, it's not for kids.
APT: But nothing on LiveJournal has been rated by the MPAA.
6A: Of course it hasn't been rated by the MPAA. *You're* going to rate it. When it gets reported, if it's not appropriate for minors, set it to "explicit content" and then kids won't wander past and read it. It's not hard, folks. This isn't rocket science--every illiterate ghetto mother knows what kids shouldn't see!
APT: Should we be using illiterate-ghetto-mother standards to figure out what's inappropriate for kids? Does that mean if it's okay in the slums of Harlem, it's okay on LiveJournal? I've seen some pretty intense concert fliers, like a girl in bondage gear going down on a dog, but there was a pic of a microphone over its...
6A: *shocked look* Of course you don't allow stuff like that! Use your brains--block the stuff that's unsuitable for minors!
APT: Umm. Yeah. And, uh... how about this "offensive content" flag? What's "offensive content?"
6A: Content that offends people.
APT: Offends who? Obviously, the readers were offended, or they wouldn't have reported it. But some people are offended by any post about politics they don't agree with. And others are offended by abortion rights activism. And some are offended by anti-gay posts. Whose standards for "offensive content" are we supposed to be enforcing, here?
6A: Oh look--here comes a Russian business with a whole lot of money! All your base are belong to SUP; I, for one, welcome your new communist overlords! THEY'RE IN UR SUPPORT BOARD, ANSWERING UR QUESTIONS! 'Bye!