The last temptation is the greatest treason - to do the right deed, for the wrong reason

Oct 20, 2013 00:02

Tonight laosin and I saw "The Fifth Estate" - OK, I went mainly because it had Benedict Cumberbatch in it but also because I was interested to see what a big budget movie would make of the Wikileaks story.

There were only about a dozen people in the cinema, but I enjoyed the film a lot and found it thought provoking - I think I deserves a wider audience. It treads a fine line between hero worship and disapproval, and seemed true to the spirit of events, as far as I followed them at the time, although I am by no means an expert.

This Salon review (don't read this if you are paranoid about spoilers) makes some fair points, but since I am a big fan of bromance, and with a soft spot for fictional chancers and narcissists, and the loyal sidekicks who have to put up with them, it worked for me ;-)

Benedict is very good as Julian, as you would expect, although at the start of the film my brain kept trying to make him into Sherlock in disguise as an Australian - I think that says more about my fixated brain than anything else, although there are some clear resonances between the characters.

I've not seen Daniel Brühl in anything else (apparently he plays Niki Lauda in Rush, which is still on my list to see) - his part was a lot less obviously flashy, but I'm sure he acted well too. And a whole lot of other famous names and some new ones too - I thought it was all very well cast.

Not quite as fluffy or superheroic as my usual choice of cinema viewing, but well worth seeing IMHO - for the story and for the character interactions.
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