Truer words were never spoken by a creepy metallic voice

Apr 20, 2008 23:41

My grandmother had an antique Chatty Cathy doll. Her speaking mechanism involved a series of small plastic records that were inserted into her back. My grandmother only had one of the records though - a collection of maxims and proverbs. I played with that doll non-stop and never got sick of her tinny chirping. "A watched pot... never boils." I remember her saying, complete with the random and meaningless pause between pot and never.

This has nothing to do with anything really, but I left D&D early because Eisley was playing at the Cat's Cradle, and I had to leave when we were fighting an abolith (sp?) and everyone was nearly dead, and I was nearly dead and charmed besides, but I had to go because I called the Cradle and they were like, "we're on the third band and Eisley is the fourth." So I emailed an "Am I dead? Are we dead?" to the group, and I can't accept that I won't receive a reply before morning. It is too cruel.

But Eisley was good. They pulled another sister on stage for half a song, proving again that they are a bottomless well of siblings, and the guitarist sang a little which made me glad because she always sings along un-miked anyways.

And now I really am going to bed.

After checking AOL one more time.
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