(no subject)

Apr 19, 2008 08:34

At the Carolina for Retrofantasma last night, I ran into darklordmoeser and the perpetually lurking lexman1978. Had just enough time to think, 'Huh. who knew they were Cronenberg fans?' before realizing that, duh, they were there for The Yeomen of the Guard. I'm glad I did run into them because I would have completely missed the obvious fact that the two events were occurring simultaneously, and since I *did* realize, I was able to, erm... well... sneak into the theater between films and catch a glimpse of tribalkittykat and kibarika (right after a sextet went on about "rapture rapture doleful doleful"), and saw that they were both very pretty and adorably twinful.

Meanwhile, plans need to be made to see The Secret of Nimh among other UA movies, yes?
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