This season saw an amazing turnout for the first round of Bulletproof Elfscouts 2015, with 36 stories written by 30 Agents totaling up to 412,705 words of hard work, blood, sweat, tears, and mission reports. An amazing feat!
We’d like to thank our two cookie writers
nightbrights nightbrights and
sixtyfour refades and the three elfscouts writers who
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Name or Alias: Unit Q! I don't have an Alias, but C calls me Quinten when she's mad or I haven't updated in a while.
Twitter/Tumblr: @jaegr_twt look for me at #unit_q !
Livejournal/Ao3: ao3
✘ Agent Details/Semantics
Favorite line from your gift fic: Somewhere in the background, Hoseok is shouting. This speaks to me on a spiritual level of how we forget the intricacies of what is happening around us in the greater noise of life. Hoseok, bro, I feel you.
Current initiatives/interests: EVERYTHING. Pretty much anything in this group is great, so hit me with something and I'll probably hit back. Hitting games are my favorite. #EveryoneHasFun #AndGetsHurt #TheGameOfLife.
External Activities: Mostly I like work, but I really like writing fanfiction, mostly for C and F. If I could have a real fandom, it'd be The Honey Badger Fandom, but as far as I know, that's only memes. Thus, there I lie until my stream of crossover ships ends.
Social Stance: I want to know all of you. Just, so that's clear, you're all my family now. Uncomfortable dinners especially.
Favorite member of The JAEGR Task Force: ME!
Specialty in the Field: Diversions, though I really just wanna be on the front line sometime and work with F, mostly because it's kind of like Sherlock and Holmes but like the new BBC version where they're totally dating :D
Tricks and Kicks: I can whistle and reload a rifle super fast. I also can ship anything (no really, hit me with your best shot just as long as it's not actually fatal #LovingLife #TooYoungTooBeautifulToDie)
✘ Personal Statement
I feel personally offended that I never got to talk to you guys and instead Agent M and Commander C hogged all of you to themselves. I love making friends though, and finding music. And tattoos. Basically, we should all be friends. Yes? Yes.
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