A pretty good day

Aug 19, 2007 19:45

Well, it's been up, then down, then up again. Aaron came over yesterday afternoon/evening to hang out, which was all kinds of fun. It was nice to have somebody over. The three of us talked about everything from politics, to religion, to Final Fantasy. Even before he left around 9:45, though, our downstairs neighbors were at it again. I don't know if they were having a full scale party, or if it was just a few friends and the obnoxiously loud music made up the difference, but they were loud. And they only got louder. There was a lull around midnight when we decided to hit the hay, but soon after the noise level kicked back up to the point they actually woke me up at 2:30 with their (and I kid you not) screaming. Rob had been woken up much earlier than me, and was just about as angry, so he put on his clothes, went downstairs, and knocked on their door. One of the guys yelled through the apartment, "Who's there?!" to which Rob responded, "Turn down the music!" The rest of what was said was too quiet for me to hear, but apparently they hopped to because the noise ended and sweet quiet finally returned.

This morning I went to the new laundromat, which is thankfully air conditioned and creepy-guy free. If I ever need to use my laptop while I'm doing the laundry, it's also a wifi hotspot. Go figure. After I got back, Rob and I finally moved his desk and computer into the empty room, which has really opened up the bedroom. We'll probably need to get a night stand at some point, but it's more than comfortable as is. We can also start bunny-proofing the work room now that we know what's going to be in there. I'm so incredibly psyched to have Loki living with us! I had been subconsciously worried about breaking the lease, because he's an animal that most definitely does not live in an aquarium, but later events really made me feel more secure about it. As long as he doesn't destroy anything (like the carpet), I don't think we'll have anything to worry about.

So, after kicking up loads of dust when we moved things around, we both needed to get some fresh air and we had some things to pick up. We grabbed our stuff and were going to go to the store when we found a dog wandering around our parking lot. She had a collar, but no tags, and she was extremely skittish at first. We were worried about her, though, because her coat looked like it had seen better days and it was really hot out. Rob got a plastic bowl and filled it with water, but she was only mildly interested. She was, however, obviously looking for food, so I went back inside to get her something to eat. We only had some pepperoni, cotto salami (which we discovered had gone bad), and some bread. She ate all the meat that we gave her, and played with one slice of bread, but never ate it. She seemed more comfortable around me, and I managed to get her to let me pet her and check on her condition (we think that her owner must have been female, because she was always more comfortable around me than Rob). She was absolutely filthy, covered in river muck, but looked like she was otherwise in good condition. Meanwhile, Rob had been trying to contact someone to come pick her up, because we couldn't keep her or afford to take her to a vet. After two hours of calling and running around, we learned that no animal shelter or humane society in the area is open on Sundays, so she'll have to stay in an animal control van overnight. We gave the officer who finally came the rest of the pepperoni to give to her so she wouldn't be hungry, and had the woman promise to leave her with water. We were just lucky that one of our neighbors in the complex had a dog (which is what made me feel better about getting Loki!) and a leash that could be dug into the ground, so we could go to the shelter and find out why our calls were going unanswered (it was closed, despite the police operator that said otherwise).

We were both hot and sweaty, but felt like much better people in the end. I really wish we could have taken her to a shelter or kept her until tomorrow when something is open, but there was no way. I just hope her owner is looking for her and will check the shelter. She was a sweet dog, still fairly young, playful, friendly, and not in the least bit aggressive. She didn't so much as bark the entire time.

Anywho, that was our day.


moving, hang time, lost dog

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