The swing has been retired

Aug 15, 2011 17:57

 Oh lordy, help me. Crib training starts today. We had a rough week last week because of a gassy belly and now we have decided to try the crib. This is going to be a hell of a week. I feel sorry for the hubby, who bore the brunt of my moods last week because of a lack of sleep. I do not see my mood improving, but Sprout is a little over 4 months old and she needs to learn to sleep in the crib. But seriously, any deity out there, help me.

Edit: It is 5:30am and my child still sleeps. She fell asleep at nine, woke up at 11:30, back to bed by 1, awake at 2:30 for her binkie, and still sleeps. She pulled this at almost the exact times the previous night, except that she was in her swing when she did it, so a pattern is arriving. However... baby steps count, right? She is technically in her crib. Just in her car seat as well. *sigh* But surely I get some credit for trying!


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