I either called it right or jinxed the kid by calling her Sprout

Aug 08, 2011 18:59

Holy Pajamas batman, Sprout needs to stop growing. She is four months old now and is huge. Well, she is 14 pounds and that is right on the money for a 4 month old. She is in the 50 percentile for her age on weight. Height however, she is in the 75 percentile. She is 25inches long. Holy snikey. She also has a 17 inch head, which is in the 70 percentile. But overall, she is proportionate. The pediatrician was impressed with her development. She pulled herself into a sitting position while keeping her head level with her body, stood up with support like a trooper, and rolled to her side when no one was really paying attention. 
Poor Sprout had to get her immunizations today though. She did really well for getting two shots in her thighs. Overall she did very well and soon since she is progressing so much we will be able to start her on solid food. Woo! We will start with sweet potato. Hopefully Sprout will like that. 


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