I am so excited for THIS:
Written by JASON AARON
Penciled by TBD
During the shocking events of SECOND COMING, Logan lost one of his dearest friends: Nightcrawler. Now with the reading of Nightcrawler's will, Logan learns that his friend had one last request, something Logan can not refuse, no matter how much it might pain him. Don't miss this stirring series finale that helps pave the way for next month's WOLVERINE #1.
32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$3.99
Why is it only 32 pages, gah *whine*
My guess is, his last request has something to do with his dear mummy, Mystique, whom Wolverine wasted a significant amount of time NOT killing recently. Wolvie has a bad relationship with Mystique. He's always hunting her, fighting her, or sexing her. He seems to draw pretty stark lines between Mystique and Nightcrawler - I would imagine Rogue too - which makes sense, since they really don't have anything like a relationship, and... it'd be pretty hard to look your best friend in the eye if you'd just slept with his mom.
(Incidentally, there was once a theory that Sabretooth was Logan's father. I don't think it's canon, and I'm not sure what's happened to it since. However, in Claremont's "X-men: Forever" alternate universe, Sabretooth IS Logan's father. An' Mystique, in 616 canon (not that it's ever mentioned, partly because the issue it came up in was total crap), did the nasty with Sabretooth and the result was Graydon Creed. So Kurt, through his half-brother Graydon, is weirdly related to Logan (though not by blood) at least in Forever. Oh, the politics of comic book relations and relationships...)
ANYWAY, on topic... I can't stand that I have to wait until August for this. I don't like August. ;__; It's a point where I'm drained from work, but also stressing out over going back to school. Not the best time for me to go ga-ga over a comic book. Tho' it could brighten my mood. Assuming it's well done.
I dislike the cover art. It's not bad, not at all, and I like the concept even if it is rather generic. But I just don't care for the style. The background, though, is gorgeous.
So to escape my brother's take-over of the living room, I have begun stealing his usual spot, the computer(s) in the basement. (My brother, for the record, is generally the only one who uses the basement, and has two computers down there, PLUS his MacBook which he keeps in the living room. Needless to say, he is always EVERYWHERE and I never have any space when he's home.)
In the basement, I discovered Sims 3: World Adventures or some-such on the Mac. WOOOEEE. So I haven't played Sims in a long long time. I'd forgotten a lot, but thankfully not my go-to cheat code for getting rich quick! So I decided to make some X-men Sims and have fun. I created a neighborhood and called it "Yo, Canada!" for no other reason than, obviously, Wolverine RULES THE WORLD.
My X-Sims are pretty crappy because I'm too technologically-illiterate to figure out how to make or download customs (but... mostly too lazy). But I was able to make Kurt blue and give Rogue white streaks. Logan actually looks fairly Logan like, I think, although his sideburns don't go low enough. I generally have him wear a hat so his hair looks less pretty boy-ish.
Kurt and Kitty are married with a baby (Talia - yeah, okay, I coulda made Wanda 'stead of Kitty, but originally I wasn't planning on having them procreate - I just kinda got carried away). Logan is Kurt's "brother" who lives with them and, honestly, spends more time with baby Talia than either of her parents do. -_-; I built them an AWESOME house. Like, one room is nothing but windows. An' Wolvie has his own private work-out room, complete with water-simulation floor, fountain, and windows overlooking the garden. ('Cause Wolvie loves elegance and Asia.) Actually, overall I doted on Wolvie quite a bit. Kurt also has his own room, it's very DARK with NO WINDOWS and DARK FURNITURE. It's his I'z-a-priest room where he can read and grovel undisturbed... except that, so far, he hasn't used it - but Wolvie has. :P
Kitty has a job as a scientist and is gone most of the time. I haven't gotten to use her much yet *sigh*. I also need to get her out of that career and onto the medical track, sine her dream job is "World Famous Surgeon" for some reason.
I did have one awesome Kitty moment, though. It was the dead of night early on in the game, before I'd even gotten around to building the second floor, so Kurt and Kitty were sleeping in the living room and Logan's bed was outside on the patio. Hahaha. Then, A BURGLAR STRUCK!! Luckily, they'd installed a freakin' awesome burglar alarm, so he didn't steal anything - just wandered over to the crib and stood dazedly in front of the baby.
Meanwhile, guess who was first on the scene! Before any member of the household had even woken up, SCOTT SUMMERS and PIOTR RASPUTIN dashed from their beds next door and stood with mouths agape in front of the Wagner house! Actually I was really tickled that it was Scott and Pete who responded to the burglar. They didn't *do* anything (naturally) but, hahaha, it's just SO FUNNY that they showed up all on their own. There are other neighbors. Of all of them, only these two came. Heheheh!
Anyway, so Logan, Kurt and Kitty were now reacting to the poor dazed burglar. I hovered over each of them: Kurt had a little icon that said "Burglar!" and he was freaking out and covering his ears from the alarm. Logan also had a "Burglar!" icon and was doing the same. Kitty had the same icon, but when I hovered over it, it said "Fight!" and then, moments later, SHE WAS BEATING THE TAR OUT OF THE BURGLAR. Hahahaha! It was great! The policewoman had shown up and fought with the burglar, AND WHILE HE WAS STILL STANDING IN THE ROOM, SAID "Sorry, we didn't catch him. He got away!" XP Ah, Sims.
But, seriously, epic Kitty Vs. Burglar fight was epic and awesome. And Kitty's PJs are a purple T-shirt and frilly pink panties, fyi. She STILL beat the crap out of the burglar. IT WAS SO AWESOME. Figures Kurt and Logan would just stand there and gape at her. Men. This is why Kitty Pryde rules the X-men, and could take over the world if she wanted to (sorry, Canucklehead).
Srsly. I am still on a high from that. I laughed and laughed and laughed. GO KITTY. The whole time, I just kept thinking, "NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!!!"
Kurt, somehow, has racked up the most Skills, I'm sure because he's a really inattentive father (lawlz) and makes Logan take care of Talia. And he doesn't work, so he has time to do whatever he wants. I sent him to China where all he did was fish and hit on explorer girls. Then he got scouted out as a martial artist. He's got several Athletic points.
He does earn his keep to some extent, though. He's the only one who cooks (except I caught Logan cooking of his own volition today). He's now up to level 3 and can make spaghetti and sushi. Ororo (who lives across the street) actually commissioned him to cook for her family because she's "too busy" (with what? I haven't given her a job) to cook herself. He has to make something in the next 24 Sim hours. It's really cute that she called him and was like, "Kurt, can you cook something for me and my housemates? I'd just love it if you would." Hahaha. Because it's something I can actually imagine happening, if real Kurt were any kind of cook. (I don't think I've ever heard of him making anything more complicated than sandwiches. Bishop is the cook.)
Kurt's also got some Logic skills from playing Chess with Kitty. And for some reason, he keeps carrying around "The Adventures of Raymundo." I guess that's basically a Kurt thing to do, since he loves swashbuckling and bad puns lol. (Kitty even wanted to tease him about that book, which is a very Kitty thing to do, I loled.) I think he's also got a Handy skill, and almost 10,000 Life Happiness points. Which is more than twice as many as any of the rest of his housemates have. Hahaha. Maybe I dote on him a little...
But Wolvie was starting to go stir-crazy (and this was quite evident - every time I leave him to his own devices, HE'S OFF DANCING IN THE SPRINKLER. I KID YOU NOT. DANCING, CLAPPING HIS HANDS, SHOWING OFF HIS ABS AND DANCING IN THE SPRINKLER. So I decided to send him and Kurt into town. (Soon I'm gonna cart Logan off to China, with or without Kurt.) They went to the bookstore, took some guitar lessons (OH YEAH, that's right, Kurt has a couple Music skill points too. So does Logan), and went to the grocer's. Then Logan sneaked into the park and STOLE SOME FAMILY'S PICNIC BASKET. I am NOT joking. I mean, I told him him to do it... BUT IT WAS SO FUNNY. He just sat down on the blanket and started eating someone else's lunch. I told Kurt to join him, but Kurt is too much of a nice guy... He just sat down next to Logan and chatted with him, not eating a thing.
One of Kitty's personality traits is Neurotic (and I don't really know why I picked that one for her, Hot-headed might have been better) and she's been obsessed with checking all the appliances to make sure they don't explode or something. (Which... happens an awful lot, actually.) She washed ten dishes in one go.
Also I sent Logan to meet the members of the Summers household, because I wanted to introduce him to Jean (who is married to Scott... this is gonna be fun). But he got pissed off because there were too many people so I couldn't get him to stay long. *sigh* I gave him the "Loner" trait, so it figures. ATM, Logan's been commissioned to... jog around the entire town. -__-; Have fun with that, Logan.
So that's the household I play with the most. Across the street, I have the Braddock Household, which is headed by Betsy and includes Emma, Ororo, Rogue and Jubilee. ALL GIRLS ALL THE TIME WOO. The house they live in also happens to be haunted for some reason. @__@ Perfect for Betsy, lol. (I almost wish I hadn't married Kurt and Kitty. I don't ship them and only did it because I was planning on only making one family. Now that I've made more, and have Betsy and Piotr, I wish they were free to get together with them...)
I haven't played with them much yet, but I do have one story: As I always do, I made them really rich using a cheat code so I could make the house nice. I forgot that I made Emma's Life Goal to "live in the lap of luxury." So guess who got like 50,000 Life Happiness points right away. XD Emma, the mean, legitimately EVIL one. I love Emma. I love her so, so very much. But there's a certain irony to her being the first to achieve her life's goal. T_T
Next to the Wagners is the Summers household. This includes Scott and Jean, who are married and have a young daughter named Rachel (she did come first - Nathans will come later. Maybe. Unless Wolvie manages to distract Jean *cough*cough). Piotr also lives with them for some reason, in spite of not being related to anyone. He's like the freeloader artist/former roomamte who happens to live in your basement. Remy also lives with them - I've tacked him on as Scott's brother. (Since there is a theory that Remy is Scott's brother.) Sorry, Alex, I do love you, I do...
I want to make Alex, Lorna, Jean-Paul, Alison, and a bunch of the New X-men too. Maybe Hank, Bobby and Warren too. And I think I'll have Magneto wandering around, dreaming of world domination whilst making sweet love to one Charlie Xavier. ;)