From here: "Tricia Narwani: ... Another cool thing was that many of the characters were members of specific subcultures. For example, Nightcrawler is a Goth, Cyclops is hardcore/straight edge... Could you talk about that a bit?
Raina Telgemeier: I think we liked the idea of the X-Men as outsiders, all of them representing different subcultures that exist in the real world.
Dave Roman: X-Men characters representing different subcultures, people who feel like outsiders seemed to tie in with the mutant themes perfectly, especially in this version where they are all teenagers."
I'm just wondering what it is about "hardcore/straight edge" that would make one an outsider. And I thought goth was "in" nowadays, too.
Is sticking X-men in "specific subcultures" really a "cool thing"? It sounds overdone and stupid to me. Particularly since, y'know, every thirteen-year-old girl thinks Scott is straight as an arrow and Kurt should be sadly misunderstood and wearing black all the time. Which is, probably, the point - to draw in thirteen-year-old girls by reusing tired, overused character archetypes. Must be nice to be writers of archetypes - no thinking necessary!
X( More or less, I think if I read it, I'd think it accomplishes its purpose (getting bought by female junior high schoolers) perfectly well. At the same time, I really want to screeeeeeeeam.