Oh thank God it's Friday

Apr 28, 2006 16:50

End of the week hurry combined with the fact that it's the end of the month craziness makes me wish it was time to go home all the more.

There is some "news" is mixed in with the links, simply because they strike me in a funny sort of way. Then, as usual, there's stuff tossed in that randomly catches my interest. Mostly we'll be talking about manga this week.

  • http://www.comipress.bgdigital.net/post1145942851.html Manga DRAMA!s - They might be ending 20th Century Boys unexpectedly and suddenly. In the last chapter they pushed to magazine, they're also alluding to the idea that Urasawa might just be taking a break before he takes the series in it's next direction. I mean, there's already been what 4 directional changes in the story (and they make complete sense, story-wise). God, I want it all to resolve smoothly, but not in a single chapter!

  • http://www.comipress.bgdigital.net/post1146061619.html Anime D/ls onto your Computer - Toonami's teaming up with Viz to put episodes of various series onto the internets for all of us to download without needing to hit a Bittorrent site to get questionable quality Fan dubs/subs. Totally free, at least so they say, they're going to be surviving off commericals and banner adverts. I wonder if they can fathom and handle the server drain it might do. There's no telling if it'll be subbed or dubbed. Sorry, youtube, we'll be watching you still for silly Gackt commercials, but we're getting our anime elsewhere. attn hollowartist: They'll be playing Prince of Tennis.

  • http://www.discgear.com/ CD Pancakes - God, I've wanted one of these for so long now. They're totally fucking cute. You can cram around 80 CDs in one, so don't be fooled by the 40 CD label. (or more, I think a friend of mine got around 100 in his....)

  • http://www.physorg.com/news65117758.html <3 Science - One of those little known tidbits about me was when we were kids doing sciene weekly write ups in school, I totally loved it. I was the kid who enjoyed (and still do) reading Popular Science. So tidbits like this totally kill me. That and the 10th planet which apparently isn't a rumor anymore. When I saw this article, I went and looked up all the other articles related to it. That was a fun afternoon. This is about the Sun's twin star - or really, just the possibilty of it.

  • http://www.hermenaut.com/a4.shtml Life and Times of - Philip K. Dick ... So, ages ago when I was researching a Sons of Ether character, I came across how much I loved this man - in a totally "what will that crazy guy do next" kind of way. If there was ever any evidence of a true moment of Avatar / mage bond, it was with this man.... So, I'm spreading the crazy love to everyone else.

  • http://www.physorg.com/news65185336.html Life Imitates Art - Do not go to any islands built off the coast of Japan, it's no doubt a Friend plot meant to mindwash you and -- Sorry, this story reminds me of 20th Century Boys mentioned above. Just forewarning. If there's an amusement park built on this new island in the future... you've been warned.

  • http://www.physorg.com/news65185336.html Life Imitates Art pt 2 - This probably wouldn't have been so interesting if I hadn't just picked up the first volume of D. Grayman. People being injured with / near holy impliments is one of life's great ironies, I think.

  • http://www.theria.net/yaminomatsuei/manga/index.html Manga Trans - We might not see the next chapters of Descendants of Darkness (Yami No Matsuei) stateside as they never ended up in a novel format and only continued thru the magazine they were originally printed in. So, I'm reading them, and so I'm letting you read them to. It's only translations, though there are a few scans thrown in for show.

  • http://www.gamespot.com/news/6148462.html Console News - Well, it's not the release date of the PS3, but if you're craving news for the Revolution WII, then you shall have it. ... Yeah, I think it's a little silly, too. It reminds me of a certain visit to France.
  • science, link, cd, anime, friday, internets, gaming, manga, webcomics, video games

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