I took the day off work yesterday because... well, where do I start? My sinuses felt like they were trying to claw their way out through my face, my throat felt like I'd had sand shoved down it, my head was thrumming away in the background, and I sounded like a frog. Minor reasons, I would say, to take the day off, but I suspect others would tell me to go home with that vile plague if I were to sniffle my way in to work like that. And I didn't really want to infect any adorable old people. *sigh* I'm very good at running myself into the ground with stress. Then I got a fever in the evening, but that seems to have boiled the bugs alive, because I feel much better today. Not perfect, but better.
But at least I had a
viciousdisorder to talk to on IM yesterday, because she was at home too, recovering from a Wisdom [teeth] Extraction, plus I had Glee, episode 2x09, "Special Education". I couldn't have picked a better day to get sick, really. ^^;;
HOAH MY GOD! HOW MUCH DO I LOVE THIS EPISODE? The reply to that question would be off the screen, no matter how big your monitor is. LOVE! I even went and watched it a second time on the same day.
"Special Education" is the "Sectionals" episode, so of course there's lots of music, and it is all awesome! I especially liked Rachel and Kurt singing "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" from Evita, but then, I do love the show tunes best, because I actually know them. ¬_¬
This episode hits all my "like" buttons: Tina and Mercedes singing leads together, the two dancers of the group actually dancing, Quinn and Sam getting the duet part, Blaine, Emma, Mr Schue actually being a teacher, Kurt and Rachel as friends!!! I'm in heaven. Dear god, that episode was awesome!
So I was right about Santana telling Rachel that she'd slept with Finn, and then Rachel and Finn breaking up (again), but the reason they broke up was because Rachel tried to sleep with Puck, just to hurt Finn. Yeh gods, the soap opera never ends.
Puck, by the way, was also awesome in this episode.
Puck: Don't push me, Karofsky! You forced my boy, Kurt, outta here, and juvie or no, you're already on my list to go all Death Star on.
I'm glad Emma told Will off for sticking to the same script with his performances, and I'm so glad he took heed. Instead we got a Santana-led group performance, Brittany and Mike dancing their boots off together, Sam and Quinn doing the duet (I can definitely see the chemistry, but I still don't think it's going to end well), Rachel gets knocked down a few pegs (as much as I like the girl, she can be obnoxious), and despite the discord it generates, everyone in the club ends up better for it.
Rachel: When we first started Glee Club, I told Mr Schuester that being part of something special, makes you special. You know, I just think I lost that somewhere along the way.
Kurt, meanwhile, is off at the Jedi Academy Dalton Academy, a wealthy private school, where he is immediately accepted and welcomed, and gets treated with respect for once. But he can't express himself through his clothes anymore, and still struggles to fit in with the new rules he encounters.
And that bird in a cage that Kurt's taking care of... not exactly a subtle metaphor, but I liked it anyway. Hands up who else thinks Kurt's going to end up letting that bird fly free? Although, Blaine is just as likely to turn around and set it free, but I'll get to my theory on that.
Wes: This bird is a member of an unbroken line of canaries who have been at Dalton since 1891. It's your job to take care of him so he can live to carry on the the Warbler legacy. Protect him. That bird is your voice.
According to this week's
Behind the Glee (which basically spoils the entire episode) Chris Colfer reckons Kurt's got a slight case of the butterflies for Blaine. I actually think it's mutual affection and admiration. Kurt sees in Blaine a cool, popular, confident boy, and Blaine sees in Kurt a strength and self-awareness he wishes he had had before he went to Dalton.
So here's my interpretation of Blaine's character after this episode: He's a character in conflict with himself. Take this scene:
Blaine is so wrapped in the music (and in Kurt's performance), one hand rises along with Kurt's, his other hand pushes it back down. One side of him respects and rejoyces in Kurt's individuality, the other side reigns in that part of him. We know that Blaine sees in Kurt, someone who he used to be, the creators of the show have said so themselves. We all assumed that meant the bullied gay kid. But I think it also means, Blaine sees that individuality that he used to have, before Dalton channeled him into conformity with its age old traditions, its hallowed halls, history, and school ties. It's a safe place, a beautiful place, but one with strict bounds on appearance and behaviour. A golden cage.
At first I though the bird in the cage was a metaphor for Kurt. Now I think it's more likely to be symbolic of Blaine, or at the very least, both of them. The cage/school is lovely and safe: no predators, no threats, people looking out for you. But Blaine let it contain his wings. Well, he had to, to fit in and remain at that school. The only way of succeeding at Dalton is to conform to it. He's taken Kurt under his wing (another bird metaphor), and Kurt looks up to him as a mentor, and looks to him for advice, but they're actually more equal than they realise at this point.
Blaine's still running from his former bullies. We saw how he reacted to Karofsky threating him ("Never Been Kissed"): he raised his hands and backed off. It was Kurt who physically threw Karofsky off Blaine. We've also seen hints of another personality under the Dalton veneer already: the way Blaine behaves when he's off school grounds ("The Substitute"), and even hints of it on stage this episode. His own unique voice, is still there, underneath his Dalton learning, it was just taught to be restrained.
So this is how I think Kurt's and Blaine's friendship/relationship will work: Kurt will learn the meaning of teamwork and that not everything is about him (something Rachel also learnt this episode; I'm so glad they both got relegated to the background in the same episode), but that ultimately he needs his freedom to be himself, just like that bird does, so he'll eventually return to McKinley. And Blaine will learn to stand up for himself, and to find his own individual voice again. That's why I think it would be quite a statement, if Blaine were to set the bird free eventually. And that's why I think they each have something to teach the other.
On another note, I love how comfortable the two of them are around each other. They're obviously fascinated by each other; the whole episode, Blaine couldn't take his eyes off Kurt.
Or his hands, for that matter...
I think the actors are definitely playing up the romantic potential.
http://unalike.tumblr.com/post/2055763978 I can see them potentially becomming my next OTP. I'm already shipping them like crazy. I think their friendship is just so sweet (and slightly flirty). The storyline just needs to go in the right direction.
And speaking of ships: was Santana singing that song to Brittany? I'm undecided. It's a song by a female artist with a female title ("Won't you come on over/Stop makin' a fool out of me/Why don't you come on over Valerie?"), and Santana certainly occasionally danced with and sang to Brittany during the performance. I'm convinced the creators of the show pick each song for a reason. I'm just trying to work out the reason behind this one. If Blaine was singing to Kurt (which is widely accepted among fans) why shouldn't Santana have been singing to Brittany? I wish those two would sort themselves out and kiss and make up.
I also loved that we got to see Kurt and Rachel being friends. Mainly because I love them both. So cute.
http://gleesubs.tumblr.com/post/2061047740 It's true, they really are too similar; they'll inevitably compete and butt heads and try to claim the same spotlight at the same time. Like two similarly charged magnets repell each other. But give them a bit of space and they could easily be good friends, because they're similar enough to love all the same things. So yay! Rachel/Kurt hug! I hope we get to see more of a friendship between those two. (Also Finn/Kurt brotherliness, but that's going to be a while since Kurt probably lives in a dorm now.)
I loved that the competing schools cheered for each other, just because one person is the common link. It was so much nicer than last year's nasty Sectionals competition. And New Directions' performance really was spectacular.
And then showcasing Mercedes' and Tina's voices at the end! Because they both have great voices that I love listening to.
If you're in Australia and you want to see it, unfortunately you'll have to wait until next year, because Channel 10 are saving their "big" shows for when the ratings season starts up again. Joyous summer television repeats coming up instead. ^^;;