Apr 29, 2008 19:31
That's all I can say. I've been calculating my business expenses (the sewing thing, you know, that thing that I started doing because I wanted to earn money while working from home, and instead got a part-time job to support? yeah, that) for 2007. My Visa bills are structured very nicely to allow me to factor out interest charges and miscellaneous non-business-related charges, such as automated subscription payments, dental bills and driveway dirt dumps.
So, in 2007, including interest and misc. non-sewing charges: $4100+!
Without interest and misc. charges: $3400!!!!! That's on SEWING SUPPLIES ALONE... and ONLY the stuff I charged to Visa!
Um, yeah, I think it's safe to say on my income form that I made NO MONEY, and am going to get a small refund.
Good thing the fabric is all so prittiiiiiiiii..... @_@
On the other hand: posting that loss means I'm eligible to get back ALL of my GST expenses.
Farmers' Market opens up on May 3. I have to bulk up my inventory between now and then. Urk.