I was sick earlier this week. I still have a runny nose and have developed a little bit of a cough, but am otherwise back to feeling fine. It was kind of funny in the 'ha ha' sense when I realized I was sick.
I went to go see Up on Sunday with
oasis_pink_peng. This movie knows how to tug at your heart stings and I'm a sucker for that stuff. I cried like a baby at all the appropriate parts. A good cry will leave me with puffy eyes and a runny nose, so when I woke up on Monday with a sore through and a nose that was stuffy I figured it was just the aftereffects of the tears the night before.
I was so very wrong. As the day went on I felt worse. My throat was sore, I couldn't focus, my sinuses hurt. I went home at lunch and then slept until around noon on Tuesday.
This reminds me of my 'Is this a hangover? Nope it's the flu.' incident from 2000. It also means that I have been sick as often in the last six months as I usually am in a number of years. Sick used to be a once every year thing, not a once every other month thing.
Tangently Related: I recommend seeing Up. It's cute.