Intricate, minute, complex. Such a subjective dimension
A hidden world of colors…
Of smiles
Of counted honesty
Of extinct gape
Judgment laid upon
Bantered easily
Of superficial origin
Without knowing...
Eyes swell
of pain and despair
Craving for acceptance
Living in abeyance
Hiding in a mask of gusto
Pretending complacency
Yearning internally…
Happiness, belonging, euphoria
A dream…
A utopia…
1. Pictures were taken from yahoo search engine using keywords "gays" and "acceptance."
2. I made this poem way back in college dedicated to people of the third sex and friends without any intention to insult malign them in anyway.
3. Originally, this poem I made was published in THE PHAROS my alma mater's official publication, during the my tenure as one of its associates.