Weather: Warming up again. Most of the snow has melted and the streets are now rather slippery. As of this writing, it is raining.
On Friday I (literally) wrapped up the firewall machine. My main job was to switch off the machine, collect and clear out the bundle of cords and routers, pack them up and wrap the box with tape. It's the next guy's problem to build the system anew.
Clearing out the office was delayed for three weeks. One of the reasons was that both the boss and one of the co-workers spent a week burying their fathers and handling their final affairs. I can hardly blame them. I have mainly tried to ensure that they won't throw away working computers. So I'm weird that way, so sue me.
Fortunately, the meditation group who will "inherit" the place seemed to understand the situation. They also asked if we could leave some of the furniture. More stuff we do not have to haul out.
I don't know if this amounts to nostalgia, but I was there when the office - sort of a headquarters of a couple of local recycling centres - was opened about a decade ago. The building is even older, with its own problems. I worked there in three separate times, lately as a computer advisor.
Boss also told me to take my pick of office bookshelf. I ignored most of his "excessive positive thinking" literature and found only a couple of interesting ones (including one Desmond Morris). I took some books I can sell to a second-hand bookstore. Then he handed me the Einstein poster he had kept on his office wall for years.
(Digressing: I wonder if I have told how I carried a full wardrobe six stories down a staircase? That was years ago.)
Unfortunately, certain brat related to the handler of the other office was also present and mainly in the way. Some time ago he tried to claim to me that he had a pal who wrote viruses. After I expressed my condemnation, he seemed to forget that part, now claiming that this (probably nonexistent) pal had huge amount of computer hardware and uses all the possible peer-to-peer programs in (non-)existence. Sounds equally comprehensible. In the past he has insisted on installing graphics-heavy programs to old W98 machines. I have also my suspicions on couple of WinXP infections - well, apparently someone had downloaded the viruses alongside with something else and the brat was last to handle those computers.
The rest of the stuff should be out by next Monday. Others got the large photocopy machine down the stairs just fine.
Local tall people's monthly meeting had one unexpected visitor. When very late customer stepped in, the owner of the tall people's specialty shop invited her to join us. That increased the numbers to the huge total of five people. We spent the evening in a pseudo-Mexican joint.