The whole knitting needle welding malarky is very very sodding difficult. And I haven't been given a deadline, but I feel like I should probably finish quite soon. Ulp.
And the polish I use makes everything taste bitter. In a way that's impossible to get rid of. If I lick my lips, it's bitter, if I lick my fingers during/after eating, it's bitter. REALLY BITTER. (Natch I mean after I've washed, I'm not just being a numpty). This is, however, inconvenient as I am pretty base and do eat almost everything with my hands. Not lasagne though. Or breakfast cereal. Everything else, though. Soup. (I jest) Anything that can be eaten using hands in any way, basically. After all, hands make knives and forks. I just cut out the middleman. Machine.
Last night I had 4 hours sleep. 4. Night before that I only got about 5. So I'm off to bed now. And if I fall asleep right away then I'll get 6.5 WOOOOOO.
If you want to laugh at people who go on sedate gentle cruises, and you haven't seen it already, get yourselves over to
watch this video!