Mar 18, 2009 13:41
Updated LJ at lunchtime? Whatever next!
Well, today, after a relaxing slice of toast at teabreak, we were told we were having 'a meeting'.
And where then told we've had notice served on us for our current workshop. This is, to say the least, a bummer. The worst part is, they could want us out in as little as 2 weeks (although that's highly unlikely) but they definitely want us out by September.
So now we have to find another workshop (nightmare) or a similar size (nightmare) for as close to the same money as possible (impossible). And then we all have to find our way to 'new work'.
Plus, of course, this will mean downtime for the production side of us, which is incredibly difficult to sort out, and the complete logistical nightmare of moving all of our very very heavy equipment.
So, basically, this is kinda bad all around. The only good that might come out of it for me is that we might move to somewhere slightly easier for me to get to, commute-wise.
I think the boss is in shock, though.