How you play the handRating/Wordcount/Genre: PG. ~1400. Gen, Het, Dark.
Characters/Pairing: River, the Doctor, Madame Kovarian (River/Doctor)
Summary: River Song is a weapon.
A/N: Contains dark themes. Spoilers for 5x07.
SuperheroRating/Wordcount/Genre: PG. ~500. Gen, AU-ish.
Characters: Little Melody, Rory, Amy
Summary: Melody Pond’s dad either makes juice or draws his sword.
A/N: Contains dark themes and mentions a child in danger. Spoilers for 5x07.
ThornsRating/Wordcount/Genre: PG. ~2000. Mild H/C, Het.
Characters: River, Eleven (River/Eleven)
Summary: The Doctor is hurt, River has to take care of him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who.