Title: The Lights of Aeterna
Characters: River Song, the Eleventh Doctor, the Tenth Doctor, background Ponds
Ship(s): River/Eleven, River/Eleven/Ten
Word Count: 7,806
Rating: PG-13, for sexual themes and situations
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to its creators, not to me. I merely play in their worlds. No profit is being made here, and no infringement is intended.
SPOILERS: Through A Good Man Goes to War.
Notes: Written for the Guns & Curls ficathon at
spoiler_song, inspired by a prompt by bendingwind.
Summary: On River’s thirtieth birthday, the Doctor is eleven hundred and one. Of dancing moons and burning oceans, fears and loves, shadows and silences, pasts and presents and futures. Rivers and Doctors, through time and space, and back again.
The Lights of Aeterna)
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