I created my resume today...I don't like the feeling of selling myself to someone on paper. I mean, don't get me wrong, I look great on paper. haha. But I don't want a job. I don't want to work. sigh. I applied for internships, and I'm stressing out about that so much. If I don't get one for the summer I won't be able to graduate next fall, and I refuse to let UCF fuck up my graduation date again! Today I also signed a lease for my apartment next semester. Hopefully I'll be living with Randi, but it's ok if that doesn't work's only 4 months (my last semester, then graduation!) and I can deal with a random schmandom for that long.
I just had a nice, little photoshoot with myself and decided to share a few:
triplesec tonight? hopefully. <3
dane cook tomorrow! weeeee....