
Dec 13, 2009 01:22

Just downloaded a fair ammount of music, I'm loving the newest Sigur Ros cd...

In other news: Erik's party was indeed rad and I did indeed manage to stay for the entire thing. And by entire thing I mean I was there til 3:30 in the morning.
One of the many things I love about my friends is that I can have nights like last night, when at one point a bunch of us were discussing the expansion of the universe whilst drunk. Other topics covered included books we loved in middle school, Erik's computer and the way computers work in general, the game Bioshock (which I now really want to play) and at one point Natasha and I got into an arguement about Led Zeppelin. It was an intensely fun and interesting night.
What else? I'm a little behind on Blue Ink. One day behind to be exact, but this weekend has been kind of jam-packed, and I'm scrambling to get stuff done even without the comics and art (so I take time out to write a blawg? Idiot! I should be drawing!) in any case, I'll make it up soon.
The only other thing I have to report is that I went to the street fair on 4th ave today and I think next year I want to get a booth and try to sell comics. Seriously, folks. I think it'd be amazingly fun.

parties, music, what i done done

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