Oh, cold days

Dec 11, 2009 00:14

Bullet points again today, I think.
  • I've been feeling very creative as of late, but haven't really been doing much with it. Well, that's not true, I've been doing the comic and the blue ink book. I just feel like I should be writing something and I'm not...maybe I'll do a story over break.
  • Work was weird today. My boss got sick and left early, and for some reason I couldn't work the cash register so I looked like a moron for most of the day. It took like 10 minutes for me to ring up one customer, I felt horrible about it. The weird thing about this job is that I have been working there for more than a month, but since I work only one day a week I'm still very inexperienced. I wish I had more hours, because I need money rather badly, especially with Christmas coming.
  • I'm trying to figure out whether or not spending the money I made from selling back my books on food is immoral. On the one hand my mom bought the books and usually I give the cash to her when I get back from school, but on the other hand I'd be using it for food, like I said, and my parents pay for my food usually. I kind of wish I could stop depending on them so much in general, but since Ye Olde Yarn Shoppe is not a very good source of income, it looks like I'll be depending on them more than ever. I have to get a second job, I think, but where and how and when?
  • I'm really looking forward to Erik's party tomorrow. It's going to be hell-a fun and I have promised myself that I will not leave absurdly early this time.

bulleted entry, introspectin', creative?, what i done done, hard work

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