Tomorrow's gonna come too soon

Jul 18, 2010 20:05

  • I am basically itching for a new journal layout, but I'm incredibly picky and none are meeting my standards right now.
  • The last week and a half have been spent looking frantically for a house, which I am doing from Phoenix while Kat is either in CA or in Tucson. I have 2 people who need to call me back about touring houses, and Kat needs a place by August 1st. so we're both freaking out a little bit.
  • Somehow Mitch and Florence have gotten me into Dungeons And Dragons. It's kind of fun but I think I like the group of people I'm hanging out with a lot more than the actual game- I'm not a huge fan of swords-and-sorcery stuff, and while it is kind of fun I wouldn't choose it over, say, biking or making a meal with friends. So I guess if it's what we're doing it's fine, but I'm not going to be the one who organizes it.
  • the New Pornographers came to the Rialto theater in Tucson last night, both my cousin and I love them and both my cousin and I missed it entirely. I suppose it's good since I have zero money and this way I might be able to see The National with Andrew, but I'm still really bummed I didn't get to see them. They're easily one of my top 10 favorite bands, and they probably do an amazing live show.
  • Lastly, my mutant story which I wrote about recently is sort of stalled out while I work on characters. Now I'm kind of scared to walk the line between sensitivity and a good story, and beyond that I'm writing way too much background because I'm kind of freaking out about the actual plot. I suppose that, like the last thing I wrote, I'll have to write the opening few paragraphs while drunk. It occurs to me that I start a lot of things while drunk, which I suppose I should worry about at some point.
  • Also there's a weird thing I've been thinking about a lot but I'm trying to tease out exactly how to best express myself when talking about it, so when I organize my thoughts a little more I'll write about it then.

bulleted entry, phoenix saga, dnd, meta posting, writing, housing

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